PensionX Blog

New York City Employees Retirement System (NYCERS)

Written by Lindsay Hardy | September 6, 2017

Recently, we had the opportunity to work with the New York City Employees Retirement System (NYCERS) on their new website. Serving more than 350,000 active members and retirees in New York City, NYCERS is the largest municipal public employee retirement system in the United States. 

Seeking to enhance the level of connection with their membership, NYCERS reached out to Digital Deployment for our expertise in creating innovative pension websites. Through stakeholder surveys, on-site focus groups, and discovery conversations with the call center, we carefully sought out opportunities that would save the NYCERS team valuable time while better serving members.

Since the site launch, the results have been impressive:

  • Overall visits to the website have grown by 124%.
  • Pageviews have increased by 196%.
  • Mobile sessions have increased 171% since launch.

Look below to learn about a few of the more impactful elements of this project.

Modern, Inviting, and Accessible

The homepage utilizes a modern, tiled design that immediately conveys NYCERS’ customer service mission, offers quick access to commonly requested items, folds in a subtle ambient video, and lets retirees know when that next payment is coming.

Information Architecture and Content Strategy

Deeper in the site, revamped information architecture and intuitive design patterns make it easy for members to quickly find key forms and resources without having to reach out for assistance. If further exploration is needed, we’ve set up SOLR search so members can find content even if it is buried in a PDF.

Continuity of Experience

Finally, we worked with the NYCERS’ IT team to ensure that the external site and the MyNYCERS member portal utilize the same navigation scheme and style guide so visitors never get lost or jarred as they move from system to system.

Let’s work together

We’re so proud of what we were able to accomplish together with NYCERS’ team. If you have a project with similar needs, let us know. We’d love to learn more about it and walk you through a free demo or consultation.